The Ten Commandments News

 Ten Commandments Special - ABC Nightline - 10:30 PM CST - 12/08

ABC Nightline will feature a Special on the Ten Commandments Monument Rally tonight (December 8) at 10:30 PM CST. Be sure and check your local listings for the time in your area.

American Veterans Standing For God and Country, a project of American Veterans In Domestic Defense (AVIDD) will be given the opportunity to give information about their nationwide Tour with Judge Roy Moore's Ten Commandments Monument. Be sure and watch this Special and pass the word on to others.

For more information on American Veterans In Domestic Defense (AVIDD) check their web site: email  or call 281-591-4705.

Atlanta Wedding Violinist

The Ten Commandments News

 Ten Commandments Rally - Birmingham - December 11

*** Spirit of Montgomery Rally ***

A Ten Commandments Rally will be held at First Baptist Church, Pleasant Grove, Al, Saturday, Dec 11, from 1 to 3 PM.

The Alabama Clergy Council invites you to join us for this rally of Christians who long for the restoration of the spiritual values that birthed our great nation! Join us in prayer for our troops. Join us in prayer for the soul of Alabama and our country. Join us to unite our voices to God and to show our solidarity for a return to the values that made America great.

The Ten Commandments is the foundation of America's laws and America's greatness.


Judge Roy Moore
Joe Godfrey, President of the Alabama Baptist Convention
Rev Rob Schenck of
Judge Terry Butts
Judge Jerry Stokes.

Members of the Alabama Legislature who are speaking:

Senator Hank Erwin
Rep Bobby Humphries
Rep Scott Beason.

First Baptist Pleasant Grove is in Jefferson County, north of Birmingham. From I59/20 take exit 120, Ensley Highway 269, right (or north) on Highway 269, proceed for about 8 miles. Look for the sign that says Pleasant Grove, and turn left. Go about (distance) and you will see First Baptist Pleasant Grove at 724 4th Street, Pleasant Grove, AL 35127

For more info, contact email

Web site

The Ten Commandments News



AVIDD is looking to have several Ten Commandments Rallies in southern states, like Mississippi, Lousiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, during the February - March time frame. If your church or organization would like to host a rally, see AVIDD contact info below.

All of the rallies will feature the Ten Commandments Monument that previously stood as a public witness in the Alabama Supreme Court Building. For more details on the rallies contact

email  or call 281-591-4705.


Here is what others have done:

1. Have the Ten Commandments Monument on display for viewing at a public place like a shopping mall or a church parking lot.

2. Get a local civic leader or pastor to make a short speech near where the Ten C. Monument in on display.

3. Have a small local rally at a Church. Have the pastor, or local pastors and civic leaders give a short speech, add patriotic music.

Events 1 and 3 above are most commonly done, and are very easy to host. We are set up to have one or two Ten Commandments Events per day, and can easily have an event in your town or church. Local media have been very good about providing coverage. These rallies are intended for local people like you to host and participate in. For more information about hosting an event, email or call 281-591-4705.