Commandments Day
Commandments Day Church Bulletin Announcement
Ten Commandments Day Church Bulletin
Ask your church to be involved. Give your church secretary a
short one paragraph Church Bulletin Announcement, to add to your
church bulletin on that day.
The first Sunday of May is Ten Commandments Day.
President James Madison reflected best the importance of our
commitment to God's standard when he noted that America's success
was dependent upon the determination of "each and every one of us to
govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves
according to the Ten Commandments of God." The Ten Commandments is
the most commonly posted scripture in our society, being posted in
over 4,000 public places and in millions of churches and homes.
"And thou shalt write them the posts of thy house, and on
thy gates."
Deuteronomy 6:9.
The most important reminder of this day is to do the Ten
Commandments. |
The Greatest
The Greatest Commandment from Jesus
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
by the Foundation of Moral Law
Seminar by the Foundation of Moral Law
The Foundation for Moral Law in Montgomery,
Alabama, will be hosting several Pastor's Seminars entitled,
"Restoring the Foundation: Church, State, and
the Law" in 2006.
Judge Roy Moore, Dr. John Eidsmoe, and Foundation
attorneys will discuss, among other topics, the true "separation of
church and state," the "rule of law," the historical role of the
pulpit in America's history, and the IRS guidelines for speaking out
on public moral issues.
All interested pastors should contact the
Foundation for Moral Law at 334/262-1245 or email
info@morallaw.org for more
Commandments Court Case
The Idaho Supreme Court is hearing Ten Commandments case to
determine if the Ten Commandments should be returned to Julia Davis
http://www2.kbcitv.com/x69194.xml |
the Ten Commandments throughout all the land,
Proclaim the Ten Commandments throughout all the land, by giving
a Ten Commandments gift.
Featured Ten Commandments Gifts:
a. Book by Judge Roy Moore, So Help Me God. Get from a local
Christian bookstore near you, or get a historical autographed copy
by Judge Moore, at no extra cost from
b. Ten Commandments Stone Tablets for your church or your
c. Over 100 Ten Commandments Gift idea from 9 different web
sites. Listed at
Help recreate awareness in our society about the foundations
of our heritage. Without exception, The Ten Commandments were part
of that heritage. Let's get America thinking again about what made
it great! Give the gift of the Ten Commandments. Go to
https://10commandments.biz and see a list of 9
different web sites listing over 100 Ten Commandments Gift products,
including lapel pins, magnets, car tags, hats, yard signs, coins,
Displaying the Ten Commandments in your home with a
refrigerator magnet or wall plague will assist your children in
learning the Commandments. Purchase of a gift from any of these
organizations will promote the cause of the Ten Commandments
throughout our land. |
Roy Moore
before the Georgia Legislature to post the Ten